Sexual Harassment Policy




Pursuant to Title 42, Chapter 6 Prevention of Sexual Harassment of the Louisiana Revised Statutes, the purpose of this policy is to implement the commitments of the Fortieth Judicial District Attorney, in and for the Parish of St. John the Baptist, to prevent and prohibit all forms of sexual harassment directed towards employees of the St. John the Baptist Parish District Attorney’s Office. LSA–R.S. 42:341 and 342.




The following phrases and words shall have the ascribed meanings for all things relative to this sexual harassment policy:


Employee” shall have the same meaning as public employee and public servant, as defined in LSA – R.S. 42:341, insofar as being confined and restricted to the St. John the Baptist Parish District Attorney’s Office, in and for the Fortieth Judicial District.


Quid Pro Quo” shall mean a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.


Sexual Harassment” shall mean any physical, verbal or visual act of a sexual nature directed toward any employee that explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment status, or unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. Any actions or words with a sexual connotation that interferes with an employee’s ability to work or create an uncomfortable atmosphere are considered sexual harassment. Victims of the harassment may not be just the target of the offense, but anyone who is affected by the inappropriate behavior. A co-worker standing nearby when inappropriate sexual comments are uttered may be affected, even if the comments are not directed toward them.




The St. John the Baptist Parish District Attorney is committed to protecting all employees from any acts and activities which would create a hostile or offensive workplace culture and/or environment. In addition, the District Attorney is committed to providing the citizens of St. John the Baptist Parish with a professional customer service experience free from the prospect of quid pro quo in the performance of duties incumbent upon the employees of this office, in accordance with the constitution and laws of the United States of America and the State of Louisiana.


These commitments establish the District Attorney’s resolve that any unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, physical, or inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment, when the conduct explicitly or implicitly:

1. Affects an individual's employment or holding of office;

2. Unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance; and/or


3. Creates an intimidating, hostile; or offensive work environment.



Sexual harassment is not limited to making inappropriate advances. In fact, sexual harassment includes any unwelcomed verbal or physical behavior that creates a hostile work environment. Examples of sexual harassment include, but shall not be limited to:


1. A display of sexually suggestive pictures in an employee’s office.

2. Repeating a joke with sexual innuendos and overtones to a fellow employee.

3. Solicitation of a sexual act from an employee in exchange for a promotion.

4. Sharing inappropriate images or videos.

5. Sending suggestive letters, notes or e-mails.

6. Making inappropriate sexual gestures.

7. Inappropriate touching.



The prohibitions identified in this policy are applicable to and made effective against all employees of the St. John the Baptist Parish District Attorney.


No employee shall engage in quid pro quo of sexual favors for job advancement or prevention of demotion or at any time in the course and scope of the performance of duties and responsibilities in the District Attorney’s Office.


Pursuant to this policy, employees of the St. John the Baptist Parish District Attorney may have a grievance of sexual harassment made against her/him. Furthermore, the St. John the Baptist Parish District Attorney prohibits all employees from:


1. Engaging in sexual harassment;

2. Tolerating the intimidation of any employee who makes a grievance for sexual harassment, or who provides information in connection with a previously made grievance for sexual harassment; and

3. Tolerating retaliation against any employee who makes a grievance for sexual harassment, or who provides information in connection with a previously made for sexual harassment.